libortp13-64bit-1.0.2-bp153.2.2.1<>,Ta)5!M@eee,VX{Mvk)"h2.+8.)$Pܦé uS]j %̒S{l(mWؔ(jv;}pr/H٩_v>*D9RncVzp!nR% ?ԂҌ5$Oh((Fya8Y?sl2\hOecقH5v c&/U4ŋ7T}gLMP:?adN=RTIڟ9Z@qaߵ5>>?d $ G 17ETX Z \ `  X(8 98 : > G H I X Y \]^"{efluvw8x<y@ lpvClibortp13-64bit1.0.2bp153.2.2.1Real-time Transport Protocol StackoRTP is a LGPL licensed C library implementing the RTP protocol (rfc1889).a)5obs-arm-11xSUSE Linux Enterprise 15openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries    /bin/\Y3@Y;@W@VV< Update to version 1.0.2: * Bug fixes. - Enable documentation installation.- Add deps.diff to fix the build of ortp users such as libosmo-abis.- Disable -Werror.- Update to version 1.0.1 (changes since 0.27.0): * oRTP licence is changed to be GPLv2+. * Add a new adaptive jitter buffer algorithm. * Minor enhancements and bugfixes.- Update to version 0.27.0: * bctoolbox added as dependency - Update download url (use github) - Enable tests - Switch to cmake build- Add tarball signature- Update to 0.25.0: * Support AVPF generic NACK. * Add payload types for RTT (Real-Time Text) and Codec2. * Bug fixes.- update to 0.24.2: * Minor release v0.24.2 * fix typo in rtcp_common_header_get padbit() macro definition * Add option to enable/disable documentation generation when building with CMake. * set correct dependency * add --disable-documentation option to speed up dev builds * re-add Requires field for devel rpm * AVPF TMMBR/TMMBN: set correct ssrc to handle TMMBR in one-way video calls * Release 0.24.1 * devel package does not require explicit dependency * also add epoch to devel rpm * set rpm epoc to 1 to be alined with redhat rpm * logging.c: split line into 3 * Fix redefinition of WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION when using MinGW64 (thanks to Henrik Pauli for pointing this). * increased the size of from 5 to 32 bytes to accomodate the B256 format SAS string * add rtp_session_get_symmetric_rtp * Define the "Additional #using Directories" when building winrttimer.cpp for Windows Phone. * improve logging * Fix last commit + allow use of C++. * Begin handling of build for Windows Phone with CMake. * Do not use absolute path in install instruction of CMake. * Fix crash with RTPFB and PSFB packets scheduling. * avoid uninstall to fail if nothing was installed before * Add support for TMMBR and TMMBN feedback messages (part of RFC 5104). * Fix possible receive bandwidth computation imprecision.- Add baselibs.conf: build libortp9-32bit, as needed by libmediastreamer_base4.- Update to 0.24.0: * RTCP send algorithm as describe in RFC3550. * RTCP XR (RFC3611). * RTCP send algorithm as describe in RFC4585: AVPF streams./bin/ -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6f742aceca5e77e17c06b286e862bc66a61a926e, stripped PRRRR RRR RRRutf-8e4e36b5867b3fce64fc23ceb41013728596ed259d6e5845be47bf78da3f5769c? 7zXZ !t/=]"k%{կ1Zt5_i7,T662Cx'tIgGSsAv5qpq P5eQ "隼| 6@}M֤㴋?y,i,A}``ЙM8bf[u.߳l[ 8ܒϥ8iF0=@*qFv.w-͐ٺ*}jңx3BU+3U3~שӕl\1m1\*;+0qQ#)v!C-RA/_/@!PRCNLdFX^GkyUgwO c$x75}=?fJXŻ۠ { 65-G8' 58 9m'$A*Kb9j>@s#m[WYjJB=*DU#PH:Zw IN(Gl;-\u*i[@d%z2k޼xLG­n."܂? pDml7:k?"yy:?0G Ie>RwM2;`$PVq%L-!Xg`~c@SlΙ~Sr⾡R>j12MK i%͢|6$0ZHms0Uah+'.ɱU$AINVH#LQ[a vgkafNlvIHz7oudvMaM *BdA)Bcc}l-\}FVSRMgzgt/^~5/=yE`{> Sc\p /wSPUUw0ecyWecBz8n) aG)j~Sc[,s%i,Bm0SGN)lm'3FK<+Z|zWνԘ d1*O@ Iz_^z\r;FA9|ί="-boH3U7I(.Ricqپ? 5+grTWHHHG3GO/؎2HO@!!e%hyaTڻjPH$/#kYl"ݥ.y@oe :D=365ײ򘴱fg|R$ Yw,,4e2eL}2HZ3_ZC ?6 D3o;oP[F C[ΩYA?І7RFK;x@\<:;"bED|"Ҳʪ rX# _tYss+?ghk̉/6 bR 7X/Zcj x 3gs3j |4wĮ}Npy} ~+fRPc(`R͛_x7뾐E.|QY(ozxzo[VTvJ̎/4^sd^\1Fb$ٗf(j_:kR83l+ůXw*z̋;r{RkeXc=}+ٟv$Y]Ne7xaѢ|bϙ,DD(z+tuy} 5ڒhU-u>iKd+57q,a Õ.DxJQ{rx&I]ݻi+]O7YTLoV|i_T/^#K;xPWGl  $+OgLNƊWHTϒ9:1䖗l7dp#[!)#Ϳ$6oP7C#7-HT U%#', EN@hsT5R YZ