nghttp2-1.40.0-6.1<>,@`dp9|.m"Ќg+S䱚2.}k|hBJJgM]`k]Y53?kjzv0T 1񬐬S~ˣvǓ_YlXxxLH+{G;Zڞ":3Fp# {~G/4D,t :F9҉=(p:Bn>ZdczzS$ >.=_qm8:Ǎy))`*˘ !AN z>>?d   R (=CLl |   t |(D33 (3( s8 |F9 F:FF@GTHtIXY\]^*bTcdefluvwxyz@PTZCnghttp21.40.06.1Implementation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2 in CThis is an implementation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2. The framing layer of HTTP/2 is implemented as a form of reusable C library. On top of that, we have implemented HTTP/2 client, server and proxy. We have also developed load test and benchmarking tool for HTTP/2. HPACK encoder and decoder are available as public API.`ds390lp5}`SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIT and C++`Z`Z`Z`Z`Z`Z`Y`Ye53050e3f160bd7a5de863c3fbf9a9e5bd1c273f6b28a6ffff5847c0b5b8591775401c005f5bff81659e649a0844aadb9ba1c872b9022717c900451f3ff7b9313beac6a9a290c991d593f0e3aef7d3d05f76635eacc76153fc60a79355bd148d8a2af3a38f32c5391b23d78c3b8c68fa9a0387a070949832366c4e5468a2db03faa0db24b2b34b6db980e0aa21591d69e81605433aa04b7e696ee4db2e8dff31ac4a14a4f94d06f81f2acfadef5dc3c31644d232b6f9465063f7bd7a7723c4fb3a22362814ba191b10fa8a50106097ffae4ce30013526f522b7962d2a602f1e4rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootnghttp2-1.40.0-6.1.src.rpmnghttp2nghttp2(s390-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    /usr/bin/`KW^@]i]Z@]Z@]R@\g\A\A\8@[F[t[CN@ZЛZUZUZZOhZ.s@Z'ZY@YdYYlYcl@YX@XӸX@Xk@XQ4@X6@W@WRW"W~WXW W4V@V>@V@VV_V@VzV]VI@V4@V@UU@UUȒ@UUUUUcU]US= TLSv1.2 * asio: More graceful stop of nghttp2::asio_http2::server::http2 (Patch from Amir Pakdel) (GH-805) * asio: Holding more shared_ptrs instead of raw ptrs to make sure called objects don't get deleted. (Patch from clemahieu) * asio: Fix infinite loop in acceptor handler (Patch from clemahieu) (GH-794) * asio: close_stream erases from streams_ while it's being iterated over. (Patch from clemahieu) (GH-795) * nghttpx: Strip version number from server header field * nghttpx: Add --single-worker option * nghttpx: Fix bug that send_reply does not participate graceful shutdown * nghttpx: Add --frontend-max-requests option * nghttpx: Enable stream-write-timeout by default * nghttpx: Fix stream write timer handling * nghttpx: Add configrevision API endpoint (GH-820) * nghttpx: Redirect to HTTPS URI with redirect-if-not-tls parameter (GH-819) * nghttpx: Update log time stamp in millisecond interval * nghttpx: Better error message when private key and certificate are missing * nghttpx: Fix bug that old config is used during reloading configuration * nghttpx: Specify TLS protocol by version range (GH-809) * nghttpx: Send SIGQUIT to the original master process (GH-807) * nghttpx: Restrict HTTP major and minor in 0 or 1 * nghttpx: Drop privilege of neverbleed daemon first * nghttpx: add systemd support (Patch from Tomasz Torcz) (GH-802) * nghttpx: Fix crash on SIGHUP with multi thread configuration (GH-801) * nghttpx: Send 1xx non-final response using mruby script (GH-800) * nghttpx: Select certificate by client's supported signature algorithm (GH-792) * nghttpx: Recommend POST for backendconfig API request * nghttpx: Don't build PSK features with LibreSSL (Patch from Bernard Spil) (GH-789) * nghttp: add support for link rel="preload" for --get-assets (Patch from Benedikt Christoph Wolters) (GH-791) * h2load: Fix wrong req_stat updates * h2load: Explicitly count the number of requests left and inflight * integration: Fix deprecation warnings * integration: Redirect nghttpx stdout/stderr to test driver's stdout/stderr - Changes for version 1.19.0: * lib: Fix memory leak of nghttp2_stream object in server side nghttp2_session object * Fix issues found by PVS Studio (Patch from Alexis La Goutte) (GH-769) * doc: Update README file to write about the issue of Alpine Linux's inability to replace malloc (Patch from makovich) (GH-768) * build: Compile with Android NDK r13b using clang * src: Fix assertion error with boringssl * nghttp: Take into account scheme and port when parsing HTML links * nghttp: Fix authority for --get-assets if IP address is used in conjunction with user-defined :authority header (Patch from Benedikt Christoph Wolters) (GH-783) * nghttpx: Add --accesslog-write-early option (GH-777) * nghttpx: Fix access.log timestamp (GH-778) * nghttpx: Show default cipher list in -h * nghttpx: Add client-ciphers option * nghttpx: Add client-no-http2-cipher-black-list option * nghttpx: Fix the bug that no-http2-cipher-black-list does not work on backend HTTP/2 connections. * nghttpx: Add --client-psk-secret option to enable PSK in backend (GH-612) * nghttpx: Add --psk-secret option to enable PSK in frontend connection (GH-612) * nghttpx: Enable SCT with OpenSSL 1.1.0 * nghttpx: Add proxyproto to frontend option to accept PROXY protocol (GH-765) * h2load: Show default cipher list in -h * h2load: Show custom server temp key such as X25519 * h2load: Fix incorrect return value from spdylay_send_callback - Changes for version 1.18.1: * nghttpx: Fix assertion error in libev ev_io_start (GH-759) * nghttpx: Handle c-ares success without result * nghttpx: Fix bug that DNS timeout was erroneously disabled (GH-763) * nghttpx: Fix bug that DNS timeout was ignored (GH-763)- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- Update to version 1.18.0: * lib: Accept and ignore content-length: 0 in 204 response for now * build: Use pkg-config to detect libxml2 * build: Require c-ares to compile applications under src * build: Add Windows CI via AppVeyor (Patch from Alexis La Goutte) * examples: Delete tiny-nghttpd * nghttpx: Retry h1 backend request if first write fails (GH-757) * nghttpx: Keep reading after backend write failed (GH-756) * nghttpx: Add frontend-keep-alive-timeout option (GH-755) * nghttpx: New error log format (GH-749) * nghttpx: Fix bug that fetch-ocsp-response does not work with OpenSSL 1.1.0 (GH-742) * nghttpx: Backend API call allows non-numeric host with dns parameter (GH-731) * nghttpx: Lookup backend host name dynamically (GH-721) * nghttpx: Accept and ignore content-length: 0 in 204 response for now (GH-735) * nghttpx: Wait for child process to exit- Update to version 1.17.0: * lib: Disallow content-length in 1xx, 204, or 200 to a CONNECT request (GH-722) * lib: Avoid memcpy against NULL src * build: MSVC version resource support (Patch from Remo E) (GH-718) * asio: server: Call on_close callback on connection close (GH-729) * nghttpx: Fix frequent crash with --backend-http-proxy-uri * nghttpx: Robust backend read timeout * nghttpx: Fix bug that mishandles response header from h1 backend * nghttpx: Fix bug that zero-length POST is not forwarded (GH-726) * nghttpx: Remove optional reason-phrase from SPDY :status * nghttpx: Header key and value must be string in mruby script * nghttpx: Strip content-length with 204 or 200 to CONNECT in mruby (GH-722) * nghttpx: Strict handling for Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding in h1 (GH-722) * nghttpx: Fix compilation with BoringSSL (Patch from dalf) (GH-717) * nghttpd, nghttpx, asio: Add missing mandatory SP after status code- Update to version 1.16.1: * lib: Prevent undefined behavior in decode_length * nghttpx: Fix bug which may crash nghttpx if non-final response is forwarded from origin server to HTTP/1.1 client - Changes for version 1.16.0: * lib: Add nghttp2_set_debug_vprintf_callback to take advantage of DEBUGF statements in when building DEBUGBUILD. * Update .clang-format for clang-format-3.9 * build: Make it possible to include nghttp2/CMakeLists.txt in another project using add_subdirectory. * third-party: Update http-parser to feae95a3a69f111bc1897b9048d9acbc290992f9 * asio: Fix crash when end() is called outside nghttp2 callback * nghttpx: Add --backend-connect-timeout option * nghttpx: Add TLS signed_certificate_timestamp extension support * nghttpx: Add --ecdh-curves option to specify list of named curves * h2load: Add --header-table-size and --encoder-header-table-size options- Update to version 1.15.0: * lib: Add nghttp2_option_set_max_deflate_dynamic_table_size() API function (GH-684) * lib: Allow NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE from nghttp2_data_source_read_callback (GH-671) * lib: Add nghttp2_session_get_hd_deflate_dynamic_table_size() and nghttp2_session_get_hd_inflate_dynamic_table_size() API functions to get current HPACK dynamic table size (GH-664) * lib: Add nghttp2_session_get_local_settings() API function * lib: Add nghttp2_session_get_local_window_size() and nghttp2_session_get_stream_local_window_size() API functions * build: Add -lsocket -lnsl to APPLDFLAGS for solaris build * neverbleed: Update neverbleed to support ECDSA certificate * doc: Mention --enable-lib-only configure option in README * integration: Fix test failure with go1.7.1 * src: Fix compile error with openssl 1.1.0 * nghttpx: Improve performance with HTTP/1.1 backend when request body is involved * nghttpx: Use std::atomic_* overloads for std::shared_ptr if available * nghttpx: Migrate backend stream to another h2 session on graceful shutdown * nghttpx: Add option to specify HPACK encoder/decoder dynamic table size * nghttpx: Log client address * nghttpx: Add tls_sni to mruby Nghttpx::Env class * nghttpx: Add --frontend-http2-window-size option, and its family functions * nghttpx: Add experimental TCP optimization for h2 frontend * nghttpx: Workaround for std::make_shared bug in Xcode7, 7.1, and 7.2 (GH-670) * nghttpx: Fix bug that bytes are doubly counted to rate limit for TLS connections * nghttpx: Add --no-server-rewrite option not to rewrite server header field (GH-667) * nghttpx: Retry if backend h1 connection cannot be established due to timeout * nghttpx: Reset stream if invalid header field is received in h2 * nghttpx: Add --server-name option to change server response header field (GH-667) * nghttpd: Add --encoder-header-table-size option * nghttp: Add --encoder-header-table-size option * python: Support ALPN, require Python 3.5- Update to version 1.14.0: * lib: Make emit_header() return void since it always succeed * lib: Add nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd_vec() deflate API to support multiple buffer input * lib: since hd_inflate_commit_indexed() always return 0, remove the return value check in nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd_nv() * lib: Use memeq() instead of lstreq() in lookup_token() * lib: More strict stream state handling * lib: Modify to remove redundant header comparisons and remove inline qualifier of lookup_token() in * lib: Fix wrong tree operation to avoid cycle * lib: Make get_max_index() return the max index in frame, so we don't need to do extra calculation * lib: Add nghttp2_on_invalid_header_callback * lib: Log frame's stream ID for header debug logging * doc: Remove old doc about differential encoding in HPACK * doc: Document about ALPN in nghttpx howto * nghttpx: Log error code from getsockopt(SO_ERROR) on first write event * nghttpx: Don't change pushed stream's priority * nghttpx: Log backend connection failure in WARN level * nghttpx: Fix bug that api and healthmon parameters do not work with http2 proxy * nghttpx: Add access log variable for backend host and port * nghttpx: Use copy instead of const reference of backend group * nghttpx: Reload configuration with SIGHUP * nghttp: Adjust weight according to Firefox stable * nghttp: Call error callback when invalid header field is received and ignored * nghttp: Allow multiple -p option * deflatehd: Call nghttp2_hd_deflate_change_table_size only if table size is changed from default- Update to version 1.13.0: * lib: Cancel non-DATA frame transmission from nghttp2_before_frame_send_callback * doc: Fix warning with Sphinx 1.4 * build: Work with Android NDK r12b * nghttpx: Use consistent hashing for client IP based session affinity * nghttpx: Fix FTBFS on armel by explicitly including the header * nghttpx: Cast to double to fix build with gcc 4.8 on Solaris 11 * nghttpx: Fix build error with libressl * examples: Fix compile error with OpenSSL v1.1.0-beta2- Update to version 1.12.0: * Add nghttp2_session_set_local_window_size API function * Add nghttp2_option_set_max_send_header_block_length API function (GH-613) * Fix warning: declaration of 'free' shadows a global declaration (Patch from Alexis La Goutte) * examples: Add ALPN support to tutorial client/server (GH-614) * nghttpx: Reduce TTFB with large number of incoming connections * nghttpx: Rewrite read timer handling * nghttpx: Clean up neverbleed AF_UNIX socket * nghttpx: Add --backend-max-backoff option * nghttpx: Use 16KiB buffer for reading to match TLS record size * nghttpx: Add healthmon parameter to -f option to enable health monitor mode * nghttpx: Receive reference of std::mt19937, not making a copy * nghttpx: Fix bug that backend never return to online (GH-615) * nghttpx: Implement client IP based session affinity * nghttpx: Add --api-max-request-body option to set maximum API request body size * nghttpx: Add api parameter to --frontend option to mark API endpoint * h2load: Add content-length header field for HTTP/2 and SPDY as well * h2load: Implement HTTP/1 upload (GH-611)- Update to 1.11.1 * lib: Add nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd2() and deprecate nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd() * lib: Avoid 0-length DATA if NGHTTP2_DATA_FLAG_NO_END_STREAM is set * lib: Fix bug that PING flags are ignored in nghttp2_submit_ping * integration: Workaround runtime error: cgo argument has Go pointer to Go pointer * nghttp: Eliminate zero length DATA frame at the end if possible * nghttpd: Set content-length in status response * nghttpx: Add sni keyword to --backend option * nghttpx: Allow mixed protocol and TLS settings among backends under same pattern * nghttpx: Don't add 0-length DATA when response HEADERS bears END_STREAM flag * nghttpx: Don't add chunked encoded response body for HEAD request * nghttpx: Don't use CN if we have dNSName or iPAddress field * nghttpx: Just call execv instead of execve to pass environ * nghttpx: Make SETTINGS timeout value configurable * nghttpx: Save PID file after it is ready to accept connections * nghttpx: Treat backend failure if SETTINGS is not received within timeout * nghttpx: Wait for SETTINGS ACK to make sure that backend h2 server is alive- Update to 1.10.0 * Pass unknown SETTINGS values to nghttp2_on_frame_recv_callback * Add ALTSVC frame support * Run error callback when peer does not send initial SETTINGS frame * Update http-parser * Update sphinx_rtd_theme * nghttp: add an --expect-continue option * nghttpx: Fix downstream connect callback called early * nghttpx: Truncate too long -b option signature * nghttpx: Fix bug that server push from mruby script did not work * nghttpx: Try next HTTP/1 backend address when connection cannot be made * nghttpx: Retry next HTTP/2 backend address when connection cannot be made * nghttpx: Enable link header field based push for non-final response * nghttpx: Detect online/offline state of backend servers * nghttpx: Better load balancing between backend HTTP/2 servers * nghttpx: Fix crash with backend failure- Update to 1.9.2 * nghttpx: Fix crash with backend failure * nghttpx: Better distribute load to backend h2 servers * nghttpx: Fix error messages on deprecated mode * nghttpx: Fix bug that logger wrote string which was not NULL-terminated * nghttpx: Fix bug that proxy with HTTP/1.1 CONNECT did not work- Update to 1.9.1 * nghttpx: Fix bug that backend tls keyword did not work with -s option * nghttpx: Fix handing stream after connection check was failed - Changes for 1.9.0 * lib: Add nghttp2_error_callback to tell application human readable error message * lib: Reference counted HPACK name/value pair, adding * nghttp2_on_header_callback2 * lib: Add nghttp2_option_set_no_auto_ping_ack() option * lib: Add nghttp2_http2_strerror() to return HTTP/2 error code string * build: Makefile.msvc enhancements (Patch from Jan-E) * build: Lower libev version requirement (Patch from Peter Wu) * build: cmake build support (Patch from Peter Wu) * asio: Fix bug that server event loop breaks with exception * integration: Disable tests that sometimes break randomly on travis * integration: do not use recursive target (Patch from Peter Wu) * h2load: Fix bug that it did not try to connect to server again * h2load: Fix bug that initial max concurrent streams was too large * nghttpx: Memcached connection encryption with tls keyword * nghttpx: Enable/disable TLS per frontend address * nghttpx: Configure TLS per backend routing pattern * nghttpx: Workaround for Ubuntu 15.04 which does not value-initialize on std::make_shared. * nghttpx: Add --error-page option to set custom error pages * nghttpx: Add wildcard host routing * nghttpx: Change read timeout reset timing * nghttpx: Don't push if Link header field includes nopush * nghttpx: Deprecate backend-http1-connections-per-host in favor of backend-connections-per-host * nghttpx: Restructure mode settings, removing --http2-bridge, - -client, and --client-proxy options * nghttpx: Deprecate backend-http1-connections-per-frontend in favor of backend-connections-per-frontend * nghttpx: Don't share session which is already in draining state * nghttpx: Effectively disable backend HTTP/2 connection flow control * nghttpx: Add --frontend-http2-max-concurrent-streams and - -backend-http2-max-concurrent-streams, and deprecate - -http2-max-concurrent-streams option * nghttpx: Deprecate --backend-http2-connections-per-worker option * nghttpx: Share TLS session cache between HTTP/2 and HTTP/1 backend * nghttpx: Rewrite backend HTTP/2 connection coalesce strategy- Update to 1.8.0 * Add Architecture documents (work in progress) * List all contributors in AUTHORS * doc: fix out-of-tree doc builds (Patch from Peter Wu) * Wrap AM_PATH_XML2 by m4_ifdef to handle the case when _PATH_XML2 is not found * Fix configure script for non-gcc, clang build * Document compiling apps and include h2load in configure (Patch from David Beitey) * Don't check for dlopen/libdl on *BSD (Patch from Bernard Spil) * Don't taint CXXFLAGS from AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11 * Fixing Windows Makefile version detection (Patch from Reza Tavakoli) * lib: Tokenize extra HTTP header fields * lib: Fix typo in HAVE_CONFIG_H name (Patch from Peter Wu) * lib: Add HTTP/2 extension framework to send and receive non-critical frames * tests: remove unused macros (Patch from Peter Wu) * src: Update default cipher list * src: Fix compile error with gcc-6 which enables C++14 by default * asio: client: Fix connect timeout does not work, return from cb if session stopped, removing client::session::connect_timeout() functon * nghttpd: Start SETTINGS timer after it is written to output buffer * nghttpd: Add trailer header field to status responses * nghttpd: Add -w and -W options to change window size * nghttpx: Worker wide blocker which is used when socket(2) is failed * nghttpx: ConnectBlocker per backend address * nghttpx: Interleave text/html pushed resources with associated resource * nghttpx: Add headers given in add-response-headers for mruby response * nghttpx: Deprecate --backend-ipv4 and --backend-ipv6 in favor of --backend-address-family * nghttpx: Add options to specify address family of memcached connections * nghttpx: Add encryption support for TLS ticket key retrieval * nghttpx: Add TLS support for session cache memcached connection * nghttpx: Refactor blacklisted cipher suite check (Patch from Jay Satiro) * nghttpx: Add TLS support for HTTP/1 backend * nghttpx: Add request-header-field-buffer and max-request-header-fields options, deprecating header-field-buffer and max-header-fields options. * nghttpx: Add --no-http2-cipher-black-list to allow black listed cipher suite * nghttpx: Limit header fields from backend * nghttpx: Fix bug that IPv6 address in Forwarded "for" is not quoted-string * nghttpx: Support multiple frontend addresses * integration-tests: support out-of-tree tests (Patch from Peter Wu) * examples: fix compile warnings (Patch from Peter Wu) - Drop upstreamed nghttp2-c++14.patch- Update to 1.7.1 * Fix CVE-2016-1544 (boo#966514)- Add nghttp2-c++14.patch to properly guard make_unique templates. [bsc#964140]- Update to 1.7.0 * Reset (RST_STREAM) stream if flow control window gets overflow * Validate :authroity, host, and :scheme value more strictly * Check request/response submission error based side of session * Strict outgoing idle stream detection * Return error from nghttp2_submit_{headers,request} when self dependency is made * Add -ldl to APPLDFLAGS for static openssl linking * asio: Stop acceptor on server::http2::stop * asio: Rename http2::get_io_services() as http2::io_services() * h2load: Support UNIX domain socket * h2load: Improve readability of traffic numbers * h2load: Remove "auto" for -m option * h2load: Show progress in rate mode * h2load: Perform sampling for request and connection timings to reduce memory consumption * nghttpd: Add --no-content-length option to omit content-length in response * nghttpx: Interleave pushed streams with the associated stream if pushed streams are javascript and CSS resources * nghttpx: The initial value of request/response buffer is increased to 128K * nghttpx: Fix bug that --listener-disable-timeout option is not used * nghttpx: Don't emit :authority if request does not contain authority information * nghttpx: Add clarification of quotes in configuration file * nghttpx: Don't allow certain characters in host and :scheme header field * nghttpx: Add RFC 7239 Forwarded header field support * nghttpx: Fix crash when running on IPv6 only (Patch from Vernon Tang) * nghttpx: Take into account of trailers when applying max_header_fields * nghttpx: Don't apply max_header_fields and header_field_buffer limit to response * nghttpx: Strict validation for header fields given in configuration * nghttpx: header value should not be lower-cased (Patch from ayanamist)- fixed typo in libnghttp2_asio1 [bsc#962914]- Update to 1.6.0 * Fix heap-use-after-free bug when handling idle streams * Strict error handling for frames which are not allowed after closed (remote) * Set max number of outgoing concurrent streams to 100 by default * Keep incoming streams only at server side * Create stream object for pushed resource during nghttp2_submit_push_promise() * Add nghttp2_session_create_idle_stream() API * Handle response in nghttp2_on_begin_frame_callback * Add --lib-only configure option * Compile with OpenSSL 1.1.0-pre1 * Fix build when OpenSSL 1.0.2 is not available (patch from Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh) * asio: Add connect and read timeout to client API * asio: Add TLS handshake and read timeout to server API * asio: Added access to a requests remote endpoint (patch from Andreas Pohl) * asio: libnghttp2_asio: Added io_service accessors (patch from Andreas Pohl) * h2load: Add req/s min, max, mean and sd for clients * h2load: Fix broken connection times- Update to 1.5.0 * Fix bug that nghttp2_session_find_stream(session, 0) returned NULL * Add nghttp2_session_change_stream_priority() to change stream priority without sending PRIORITY frame * Add nghttp2_session_check_server_session() API * Consider to use CANCEL error code when closing streams with GOAWAY * Don't send push response if GOAWAY has been received * Use error code CANCEL to reset pushed reserved stream from remote * Add nghttp2_session_upgrade2(), deprecate nghttp2_session_upgrade() * Workaround HTTP upgrade with HEAD request in nghttp2_session_upgrade() * Introduce NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_NAME and NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_VALUE * Add nghttp2_session_check_request_allowed() API function * Switch to clang-format-3.6 * Update mruby to 1.2.0 * tests: fix broken linkage with --disable-static (Patch from Kamil Dudka) * python: Send RST_STREAM if remote side is not closed and response finished * asio: client: call on_error when connection is dropped * asio: ALPN support * h2load: Add --h1 option to force http/1.1 for both http and https URI * h2load: Fix crash when dealing with "connection: close" form HTTP/1.1 server * h2load: h2load goes into infinite loop when timing script file starts with 0.0 in first line (Patch from Kit Chan) * h2load: Override user-agent with -H option * h2load: Print "space savings" to measure header compression efficiency * h2load: Stream error should be counted toward errored * h2load: Show application protocol with OpenSSL < 1.0.2 * nghttpx: Don't send RST_STREAM to h2 backend if backend is disconnected state * nghttpx: Support server push from HTTP/2 backend * nghttpx: Fix bug that causes connection failure with backend proxy URI * nghttpx: Use --backend-tls-sni-field to verify certificate hostname * nghttpx: Log :authority as $http_host if available * nghttpd: Fix crash with CONNECT request * nghttpd: Defered eviction of cached fd using timer * nghttpd: Read /etc/mime.types to set content-type header field * nghttp: Record request method to output it in har correctly * nghttp: Use method given in -H with ":method" in HTTP Upgrade - Drop nghttp2-1.4.0-fix-tests.patch (now in upstream)- Enable spdy and more example applications- Update to 1.4.0: * lib: Don't always expect dynamic table size update. * lib: Shrink to the minimum table size seen in local SETTINGS. * lib: Add new error code NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE to send_data_callback. * lib: Avoid excessive WINDOW_UPDATE queuing. * lib: Return fatal error if flooding is detected to close session immediately. * lib: Return type of nghttp2_submit_trailer is int. * lib: Don't send WINDOW_UPDATE with 0 increment. * lib: Fix bug that headers in CONTINUATION were ignored after HEADERS with padding. * package: Use -fvisibility=hidden for internal functions. * package: Show more information in configure summary. * package: Add PIDFile directive to systemd service. * package: Fix daemon upgrade when running under systemd. * app: Compile with BoringSSL. * nghttp: Allow multiple -c option occurrence, and take min and last value. * nghttpd: Fix leak when server failed to listen to given port. * nghttpx: Add TLS dynamic record size behaviour command line options. * nghttpx: Reduce default timeouts for read sockets to 1m. * nghttpx: Fix bug that PUT is replaced with POST. * nghttpx: Change mruby script handling. * nghttpx: Added support for RFC 7413 (TCP Fast Open) on nghttpx proxy listening connections. * nghttpx: Add neverbleed support. * h2load: Don't DOS our server! * h2load: Use duration syntax for timeouts. * h2load: Support subsecond rate period. * h2load: Simplify rate mode. * h2load: Add option for user-definable rate period. * h2load: Reuse SSL/TLS session. * h2load: Reconnect server on connection: close. * h2load: Don't exit in the case of no ALPN protocol overlap. * integration: Update go's http2 package URI. - Add missing baselibs.conf. - Add nghttp2-1.4.0-fix-tests.patch from commit 4825009. - Small spec cleanup.- Update to 1.3.4 * Make traditional init script fail if new config file is broken (Patch from Janusz Dziemidowicz) * nghttpx-logrotate: Don't use killall since we have multiple processes * nghttpx: Fix improper signal handling - Changes for 1.3.3 * Fix bug in padding handling of DATA frame * Use hash table for dynamic table lookup * More warning flags for --enable-werror * Update mruby * h2load: HTTP/1.1 support (Patch from Lucas Pardue) * nghttpx: Do not try to set TCP_NODELAY when frontend is an UNIX socket (Patch from Janusz Dziemidowicz) * nghttpx: Chown UNIX domain socket to user specified as --user * nghttpx: Split monolithic one process into control and worker processes * nghttpx: Handle SSL/TLS data following PROXY protocol line - Changes for 1.3.2 * Check header block limit after new stream is opened * nghttp: Show error if HEADERS frame cannot be sent for whatever reason * nghttpx: Fix assertion failure on TLS handshake * nghttpx: Add x-http2-push header field for pushed resource * nghttpx: Fix compile error with --disable-threads- Update to 1.3.1 * Avoid usage of typeof and replace __builtin_offsetof with offsetof * Honor stream->weight even if stream->last_writelen is 0 * Compile third-party libraries if hpack-tools is enabled * nghttpx-init: Start nghttpx with --daemon * Bundle sphinxcontrib.rubydomain * Bundle mruby * h2load: Record TTFB on first byte of response body, rather than first socket read * h2load: Improve checking for timing script input, prevent false positive in certain situations * nghttpx: Implement PROXY protocol version 1 (--accept-proxy-protocol option) * nghttpx: Allow link header server push for HTTP/2 backend as well * nghttpx: Don't initiate push if client disabled push * nghttpx: Allow absolute URI in Link header field for push * nghttpx: Fix crash with multi workers and QUIT signal * nghttpx: Add mruby support which is disabled by default (use --with-mruby configure option to enable it) * nghttpx: Drop connection before TLS finish if h2 requirement is not fulfilled - Fix typo in previous changelog entry- Update to 1.3.1 * Limit the number of incoming reserved (remote) streams * Add stream public API * Rewrite priority tree handling * Fix parallel make distcheck * Define it and itprep recursive target if AM_EXTRA_RECURSIVE_TARGETS is defined * fetch-ocsp-response: Handle spurious openssl exist status 0 * nghttpx: Use nghttp2::ssl::DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST for backend TLS connection * nghttpx: Don't allow blacked listed cipher suites for HTTP/2 connection * nghttpx: better handle /dev/stderr and /dev/stdout (Patch from Tomasz Buchert) * nghttpd: GOAWAY if SSL/TLS requirements for HTTP/2 are not met * nghttpd: Return date header field for 304 * nghttpd: Support HEAD request * h2load: Add Timing-script and base URI support (Patch from Lucas Pardue) * h2load: Add timeout options (Patch from Nora) - Fix typo in changelog- Update to 1.2.1 * doc: Reword the HPACK tutorial (Patch from Tom Harwood) * nghttpx: Fix stability issues * h2load: Fix crash if -r > -n- Update to 1.2.0 * Fix crash if response or data is submitted to closing stream * Header table size UINT32_MAX must be accepted * Use PROTOCOL_ERROR against DATA sent to idle stream * Allow multiple in-flight SETTINGS * Strictly check occurrence of dynamic table size update * Fix configure warning that 'missing' is missing or too old * Fix rm: cannot remove ‘*.rst’: No such file or directory when "make clean" (Patch from Alexis La Goutte) * doc: Reword some of the server and client tutorial (Patch from Tom Harwood) * src: Remove monotonic_clock replacement macro for gcc-4.6 * nghttpx: Add TLS ticket key sharing among nghttpx instances using memcached * nghttpx: Add shared session cache using memcached * nghttpx: Set SSL/TLS session timeout to 12 hours * nghttpx: Enable session resumption on HTTP/2 backend * nghttpx: Don't rewrite host header field by default * nghttpx: Generate new ticket key every 1hr and its life time is now 12hrs * nghttpx: Don't reuse backend connection if it is not clean * nghttpx: Add AES-256-CBC encryption for TLS session ticket * nghttpd: Fix the bug that 304 response has non-empty body * h2load: Add -r and -C options to h2load (Patch from Nora Shoemaker) - Changes for 1.1.2 * Fix linker error with libnghttp2_asio * Allow custom installation location for Python bindings - Drop no longer needed missing_nghttp2_timegm.patch- Update to 1.1.1 * nghttpx: Fix various stability issues and memory leak bug - Changes for 1.1.0 * Fix DATA is not consumed if nghttp2_http_on_data_chunk failed * nghttp2_submit_response and nghttp2_submit_headers may return * NGHTTP2_ERR_DATA_EXIST * msvc build fixes and enchantments (Patch from Gabi Davar) * Compile with IRIX gcc-4.7 (Patch from Klaus Ziegler) * nghttp: Add --max-concurrent-streams option * nghttp: Add comment on HAR on pushed objects (Patch from acesso) * nghttpx: Add --include option to read additional configuration from given file * nghttpx: Add backend routing based on request host and path by extending -b option * nghttpx: Allow log variable to be enclosed by curly braces for disambiguation * nghttpx: Add log variables related to SSL/TLS connection * h2load: Add --ciphers option - Add patches * missing_nghttp2_timegm.patch to fix building of asio library * nghttp2-remove-python-build.patch to fix python bindings installation when autotools are used- Update to 1.0.5 * Add STREAM_DEP_DEBUG macro switch to enable runtime validation of depedency tree * Fix another bug in priority handling; sibling's item is not queued when ancestor's item is detached * nghttpx: Fix crash with --http2-bridge and both frontend and backend TLS- Update to 1.0.4 * Fix assertion failure in stream_update_dep_on_detach_item (GH-264) - Changes for 1.0.3 * Fix bug that idle self-depending PRIORITY is not handled gracefully * Optimize dependency based priority code to Firefox style tree * enable third-party for asio_lib too (Patch from Mike Frysinger) * fetch-ocsp-response: Support LibreSSL, and include port in ocsp_host * src: Support compile with LibreSSL * nghttpx: Fix bug that x-forwarded-proto header field does not reflect frontend scheme on HTTP/2 backend * nghttpx: Validate :path on SPDY frontend- Update to 1.0.2 * Fix bug that data are not consumed for connection in race condition (GH-253) * Define NGHTTP2_EXTERN to __declspec(dllimport) when using nghttp2 for Windows build * Translate fetch-ocsp-response into Python * libevent-client: Fix bug that path is broken if URI does not contain path part * python: Call on_close callback when connection is lost for server session * python: Expose client certificate, if available (Patch from Fabian Wiesel) * python: Catch and log failure to set TCP_NODELAY (Patch from Fabian Wiesel) * nghttpx: Add --add-request-header option * nghttpx: Make WebSocket upgrade work * nghttpx: Fix bug that END_STREAM is not set in backend for POST with Upgrade * nghttpx: Don't send "Expect" header field twice- Update to 1.0.1 * Include stdint.h instead of inttypes.h when compiled with MSVC < 2013 * Fix invalid memory free on out-of-memory handling * integration: Use our own copy of golang spdy package * android: Don't link zlib bundled with android NDK * Update NDK ver, and ubuntu; build and link zlib * src, examples: Fix up OpenSSL initialization * nghttpx: Allow HTTP Upgrade from POST request if response header has not been sent to the client * nghttpx: Fix bug that PUSH_PROMISE is sent after associated response HEADERS * nghttpd: Close connection after settings timeout and GOAWAY was sent * h2load: Fix bug that NPN fails if ALPN is enabled- Update to 1.0.0 * v1.0.0 introduced backward incompatible changes from 0.7 series. Read to migrate from older version to this latest version. - Changes for 0.7.15 * Hopefully, this is the last release for 0.7.x series. Development continues in 1.x series. * Access violation in buffers (GH-232) (Patch from Etienne Cimon) * Retry finding jemalloc lib by je_malloc_stats_print (GH-233) * inflatehd: Fix crash if 'wire' value is not string (GH-235) * nghttpx: Revert 585af93 to fix crash with TLS (GH-234) * nghttpd: Add --echo-upload option to send back request body- Update to 0.7.14 * Fix global-buffer-overflow in HPACK code * Fix doc for nghttp2_select_next_protocol * Fix bug that promised stream was not reset on decompression error * Add systemd and upstart configuration file for nghttpx (Patch from Zhuoyun Wei) * Improve nghttpx logrotate configuration file (Patch from Zhuoyun Wei) * Update sphinx_rtd_theme * h2load: Update h2load to give connect time and ttfb stats (Patch from ericcarlschwartz) * nghttpd: Add -m, --max-concurrent-streams option * nghttpx: Log absolute URI for HTTP/2 or client proxy request * nghttpx: Add --header-field-buffer and --max-header-fields options * nghttp: Fix assertion error if very large value is given to -t- Update to 0.7.13 * Fix bug that promised stream was not reset by returning NGHTTP2_ERR_TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE from nghttp2_on_header_callback. Instead, associated stream was reset. * Allow NGHTTP2_ERR_TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE from nghttp2_on_begin_headers_callback * h2load: Effectively disable flow control by setting large window size * asio: Graceful shutdown and joinable server (Patch from Xiaoguang Sun)- Update to 0.7.12 * Fix bug that nghttp2_session_set_next_stream_id accepts invalid stream_id * HPACK: Rewrite static header table handling * HPACK: Never index authorization and small cookie header field * Don't install libnghttp2_asio headers if they are disabled * doc: Specify program directive so that hyperlink to option is correctly pointed to the intended location * asio: client: Call error_cb on error occurred in do_read and do_write (Fixes GH-207) * nghttp: Add --no-push option to disable server push * nghttp: Show stream ID in statistics output * nghttp: Remove --dep-idle option * nghttp: Use same priority anchor nodes as Firefox does * nghttpx: Don't push resource if link header has non empty loadpolicy * nghttpx: Add logging for somewhat important events (logs, tickets, and ocsp) * nghttpx: Set Downstream to stream user data on HTTP Upgrade to h2- Update to 0.7.11 * nghttpx: Fix waitpid race condition in ocsp response update * nghttp: Consider user-provided :authority header field for SNI as well as host header field - Changes for 0.7.10 * Make sure that nghttp2 license is MIT license * Add nghttp2_session_consume_{connection,stream} to consume bytes independent * Add nghttp2_send_data_callback to send DATA payload without copying "static inline" fix for build with VS2013 (Patch from Remo E) * Update lib/Makefile.msvc (Patch from Remo E) * Remove dependency on libws2_32 on Windows build * Define NGHTTP2_EXTERN macro to export function for Windows build * doc: Generate API doc per function * python: Add async body generation support * python: Fix pseudo-header field ordering bug * nghttpx: Redirect stderr to errorlog file * nghttpx: Fix bug that data buffered in SSL object are not read * nghttpx: Remove --tls-ctx-per-worker option * nghttpx: Add OCSP stapling feature- Enable python bindings - Update to 0.7.9 * Implements h2-14 protocol ( * Implements HPACK 09 ( * h2load: Fix crash if -t > -c * h2load: Add -d option to upload data to server * nghttpx: Forward only "trailers" keyword in te when forwarding HTTP/2 backend * nghttpx: Fix PUSH_PROMISE header field corruption [GH-194] * nghttpx: Fix te header field is duplicated when forwarding HTTP/2 backend * nghttp, nghttpd: Add --hexdump option to hexdump incoming traffic. * examples: Place AM_CPPFLAGS first to use in-package header files first [GH-192] - Changes for 0.7.8 * Implements h2-14 protocol ( * Implements HPACK 09 ( * Validate :path header field for http or https URI scheme * NULL-terminate header field name and value presented by callback * README.rst: Cleaned up the grammar a bit (Patch from Ross Smith II) * h2load: fix for segfault by reserving correct worker count (Patch from Stefan Eissing)- Avoid shipping documentation redundantly. Set RPM groups.- Fix rpm group- Update to 0.7.5 * Implements h2-14 protocol ( * Implements HPACK 09 ( * Validate HTTP semantics by default * Add nghttp2_option_set_no_http_messaging() API function * Update http-parser * nghttp, nghttpd, nghttpx: Use "sensitive" to indicate "never indexed" header field * nghttp, nghttpd, nghttpx, h2load: Select/announce h2 in ALPN/NPN * nghttp: Fix unaligned field output in --stat * nghttp: Fix -H does not work with -u upgrade request * nghttp: Update resource timing terminology according to Resource Timing TR * nghttpd: Add -a option which takes an address parameter that allows nghttpd to bind to a non-default address. Patch from Brian Card * nghttpx: Use omit minor version in case of HTTP/2 in via header and access log * nghttpx: Support UNIX domain socket on both frontend and backend * nghttpx: Fix crash in http/1 backend when backend returns more bytes than CL * nghttpx: Cast configuration value to rlim_t to avoid compile error on 32bit * nghttpx: Fix 1 second delay in HTTP/2 backend connection * nghttpx: Fix request re-submission bug in HTTP/2 backend * asio-sv2: Fix compile error with OS X- Initial packaging of 0.7.4s390lp5 16231371241.40.0- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=c5955a7c77603e54cb762cedeca9f34f430945d7, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=ac87b493a8015424f61df9ab1172965911aa25a5, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=19a702b969c31f8c49e24919426c45800f0185d5, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=ce8e4266fb2f6d1f24e34e11d29fe037673e3cbe, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=52d7446eefd514b88f8fe959092f62f7ed035c0f, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=c5eb481ccf6b9cd9fb8ba765ad568b914d3f10a8, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippeddirectoryPython script, ASCII text executable.;Xt )R R)RR!RRRRRRRR RRR RRRRRR R&R#RR$RRR)R"RRR R'R!R(R%RRR RRRRR RRR RRR)RRR!RRRR RRR RRRRR RR-R RR$R)RR!R'R%RRR,R RRRR.RRR RRR RRR RRRRR%RR$R)R RR!R'R(RRR RRR.RRR RRR RR R R+RRRRRRRRRRRR$RRR)R"RRR R'R!R(R%RRR RRRR*R.RRR RRR怢}h/rsHdGutf-81ee3271aa468e12e645515a6f501a5926a27c4c1855695311bb9a1febc6fc031? 7zXZ !t/KE]"k%a9$ 鳅VJyIz=+26v|Uy`qSKeƳڑ>N%}OV%@ߴj]D);G?{ U6hc;Bȶ #`ʬZ hpdeÒCxN߸#>gsZ^, ^;u231yfQf,D"P] 65,;s<õQ̼9#Gz}r?q?H4ty7:tD71 ?ƙUZ٢O{y "`W\M FD=5{=^ o"  [\[࠘VU@slK QzvbSǫ=IFdfo3gBkůXrufU>9X|"Σ lۤ _*i&6tFvx,?.|vի;zb1x*N7!&G愺5fgn(NX}t8˪t;BmF4h1h‚ ޯYfq1xdòzIFc,fO" [B:'VҶTX9&}A?ty?=/{DѱyS#s̳; iyϹdل ǶJܛ:Aќ/*'qY f6ƖH0zU|I%J*g>,G.2*.<{{3;…BD8MV`*%}{ք3:zlG&C xji?R ͲanOY۫>o<, LPbqPͯ) f CZy t唝k=yFt)n9Aޛs_/KW\ : ;ҡO!3j)*ӳJQXHem8Z;3%08Pe*G]rlcF3 J`@ƜgyMG@yқ"¹7Hmn(TՅ81^ &nxTQy/#Riwo4j%9";)Իwq$qVEʧtBuNtC/&/z^e!T|T=yrߏ ^T4C͟j_> !VG(-<5Tү ڡ@0_l0 ֥ctr\4E}C+Y#|Wa~uisw(Ď#TGsWOv&{Tq {CT&dKay 9( >9 6ygjl 9Ii) T$ !=q w =d3̆f̭TY4W 骛rV QdD&rq6U[bXx]0]$ܨ*N N)"UkW%DyZ~fz%JZfE+Y]RClcb­) JϹ+&:ARß\]n%{ /%|jDuvO|JM?H\B-S_q#K⒦.um,["k ,ݨJ6ٳFUd|`z| ÝI BLɰ͏ո%08rV/ PĘ̎ iupyZgg(zy/4(WRpvqiYG#ZhCMWNUKE@aie-\H(6{ 0/O1.0+>?UǮM6WRBS=QՇjNջ5/&_nX=ftLtrG7~++V Q">P͚3)nb(5ئ 5tz9Éq_7ypl+)M4 ߥtgSBtkY)˕A1O*⇵h|m(/DbE`; A^<~9c I+юtFh\w+ l6])@>DsiNp2pV竔V/9UT_Cw5;ZOwui{ʦ\`R德Be+7v{>Bɩǡ/mTd6}t9+h?L+R7~HٸF=/Gƽ-EHC!e߬wloXh#xç]NUⴧPJŚN%o}9qt&OjGXl8O.:"Aj;3ۼ{QGJ۷00oh#0xkdouTvJ0]ojجzAP$j[[+@bz76TﱞbdW TZS*X`=%G^<8w-'5; X;|pbM(JśTi{2! xo!, (#󱥈SM;:WDg˕\mNQ.al5\F ;CX1 Uzdek \Hu} )((1ǬO2 std}NVq6n3@%ܻ yRPUM\)MߕE ;&[ q<%Sw`œv={>3VV޿C"ac&q}+RӃeݟ~˲7|I)!Ť \aw&ͫwe⃺~UGv8<6rú B IݤJ+95bkbe1)P'WJd*K:dRz C%\ @{EB[C.ԎҨmAF Diٜ rB nμ_ +\xtщ$#+~΁LD{ ~+ڛ.[= O2.aS-QC2NMZo_M09ejmPIJ.~-1"lov%4E =@1#1eV]+&Ÿq)My&q&*ѩh9ѐ{&a߉qq xGlDcjzOm".r{DMtʵ %hn>05y_HjY*-g$cX]{IFKX qod0cs0B[y}t燚І=U2\y̵uĄpkkiLyqg{c+6AY/J( E|CLVb=#3{HA#QC!sعb)UM ga>v1xS8͍%5US2?0A rK2/YQG)#=}[.8H/X,\@3*?p\ ԫW7mY9.|''LsxmE_2{TpI3OdtmxwX3#`@@GY[>Lry˖l eE|4bļ.·"I,4I~[݌;,NGZ jaBTݓ B. 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