����jetty-http-spi-9.4.56-150200.3.28.1���<>,���7��gz�p���9�|���~��]� ^���$���8��ӗ���A�<�� t�5�C��n�|a�xu@��<�4�nu(�R�y�6sײ�9���  ��5߷e`�6���e�B=f��l$��#G��5Rƚ��v�"V�AS81 ��s��Ym�k� ���R罊 �=�\���1�M��B��I�"�:��| �E�aC�L�/�?Ѫ��0^�"��b*^�<|Ը �?�HҰ ��@�N1����kHb>"!���,s�/6�>�������>%�?%�d���� &� D�����-�N�d� z�������� � �  � ��H\���(�8�9 :�F!�G!�H!�I!�X!�Y!�\" ]"4^"�b"�c#�d$/e$4f$7l$9u$Lv$`w%,x%@y%Tz%h�%x�%|�%��%�Cjetty-http-spi9.4.56150200.3.28.1The http-spi module for Jetty Jetty is a 100% Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container. This means that you do not need to configure and run a separate web server (like Apache) in order to use Java, servlets and JSPs to generate dynamic content. Jetty is a fully featured web server for static and dynamic content. Unlike separate server/container solutions, this means that your web server and web application run in the same process, without interconnection overheads and complications. Furthermore, as a pure java component, Jetty can be simply included in your application for demonstration, distribution or deployment. Jetty is available on all Java supported platforms. This package contains The http-spi module for Jetty.gz�h01-ch3blPSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Apache-2.0 OR EPL-1.0https://www.suse.com/Productivity/Networking/Web/Servershttps://www.eclipse.org/jetty/linuxnoarchT� 3�A큤��A큤gz�gz�gz�gz�gz�b6f32dda894366a40f183811ac8b43d023a9ba03f0b99f1e56ab7fc5a867e6f4b5fb17565223858096fd51fb1238c914bccbfd0d04bbaaebfd081a8c513af308f3249196d7ce2243ab55c62f4971e63b77d8c54d938fa4161ba505f01b3f9cb6rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootjetty-minimal-9.4.56-150200.3.28.1.src.rpm��������������������jetty-http-spimvn(org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http-spi)mvn(org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http-spi:pom:)osgi(org.eclipse.jetty.http.spi)@ @    java-headlessjavapackages-filesystemrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)���e?��e'��d�^@dj�dS�@cG��b�@bB��b9�@an�@`�i@`�i@`ٹ�`��@`�f@`KW�_�@_�^@^���]߶�]�X�]�d@fstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comshvetz.anton@gmail.comfstrba@suse.comrpm@fthiessen.defstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.com- Upgrade to version 9.4.56.v20240826 * Security fixes: + CVE-2024-8184, bsc#1231651, ThreadLimitHandler.getRemote() vulnerable to remote DoS attacks * Changes: + #12201 backport ThreadLimitHandler improvements from Jetty 12 + #11938 - Updating URL refs from eclipse.org/jetty and eclipse.dev/jetty to jetty.org (including XML dtd references) + #10805 - Jetty response with an invalid HTTP2 packet if the client set the hpack table size as 0- Upgrade to version 9.4.54.v20240208 * Security fixes + CVE-2024-22201, bsc#1220437: HTTP/2 connection not closed after idle timeout when TCP congested * Other changes + #1256 DoSFilter leaks USER_AUTH entries + #11389 Strip default ports on ws/wss scheme uris too- Do not force Java 11 to build on i586- Upgrade to version 9.4.53.v20231009 * Fixes of 9.4.53.v20231009 + CVE-2023-44487, bsc#1216169 + CVE-2023-36478, bsc#1216162 + #10679 - backport HTTP/2 rate control from Jetty 10.0.x + #10573 - backport hpack improvements from Jetty 10.0.x + #10546 - backport jetty-http Huffman encoders/decoders from Jetty 10.0.x * Fixes of 9.4.52.v20230823 + #10352 - Jetty accepts "+" prefixed value in Content-Length (CVE-2023-40167, bsc#1215417) + #10337 - SizeLimitHandler does not enforce 0 responseLimit + #10169 - make sure that a ServiceLoader is retrieved before iterating + #10066 - Allow SAXParserFactory or SAXParser to be configured in Jetty's XmlParser class - Allows for GHSA-58qw-p7qm-5rvh workaround + #9887 - Deprecate CGI Servlet (CVE-2023-36479, bsc#1215415) + #9716 - Deprecate PushSessionCacheFilter + #9660 - OpenId Revoked authentication allows one request (CVE-2023-41900, bsc#1215416) + #9476 - onCompleteFailure called multiple times- Reproducible builds: use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp- Update to version 9.4.51.v20230217 * Fixes of 9.4.49.v20220914: + #8578 - getRequestURL can append "null" if getRequestURI is unspecified in an authority-form request-target + #8493 - Review HTTP client feature setRemoveIdleDestinations * Fixes of 9.4.50.v20221201: + #8774 - Added SizeLimitHandler + #8678 - Jetty client is not responding to GO_AWAY packet received from (Jetty) Server and continue to send traffic on same connection * Fixes of 9.4.51.v20230217: + #9352 - Update / Fix CookieCutter + #9345 - Backport Multipart Fix for CVE-2023-26048, bsc#1210620 + #9352 - Backport Cookie Parsing Fix for CVE-2023-26049, bsc#1210621- Add _multibuild to define 2nd spec file as additional flavor. Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.- Force building with java 11 on ix86 in order to avoid random build failures- Upgrade to version 9.4.48.v20220622 * Fixes + #8184 - All suffix globs except first fail to match if path has "." character in prefix section + #8145 - RegexPathSpec backport of optional group name/info lookup if regex fails + #8088 - Add option to configure exitVm on ShutdownMonitor from System properties + #8067 - Wall time usage in DoSFilter RateTracker results in false positive alert + #8014 - Review HttpRequest URI construction (Resolves CVE-2022-2047, bsc#1201317) + #7976 - Add TRANSFER_ENCODING violation for MultiPart RFC7578 parser + #7947 - Improved PathSpec handling for servletName & pathInfo + #7935 - Review HTTP/2 error handling (Resolves CVE-2022-2048, bsc#1201316) + #7918 - PathMappings.asPathSpec does not allow root ServletPathSpec + #7863 - Default servlet drops first accept-encoding header if there is more than one. + #7858 - GZipHandler does not play nice with other handlers in HandlerCollection + #7837 - Fix StatisticsHandler in the case a Handler throws exception + #7809 - Jetty 9.4.x 7801 duplicate set session cookies + #7748 - Allow overriding of url-pattern mapping in ServletContextHandler to allow for regex or uri-template matching- Upgrade to version 9.4.46.v20220328 * Changes + Option --write-module-graph produces wrong .dot file + ArrayTrie getBest fails to match the empty string entry in certain cases + Interrupt flag is not always cleared in between requests + Gzip compression not working for multipart/form-data when added to the allowed list using addIncludedMimeTypes. + Miconfigured headerCacheSize in can result in IllegalArgumentException + HttpServletResponse.encodeURL not working for URLs starting with ../- Build with java source and target levels 8 - Fix javadoc generation on JDK >= 13- Make importing of package sun.misc optional since not all jdk versions export it- Splitting the jetty-unixsocket artifact into a separate spec file in order to avoid extra dependencies for the jetty-minimal package.- Update to version 9.4.43.v20210629 * Fix: bsc#1188438, CVE-2021-34429 * Changes: + Improve alias checking in PathResource + java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException + Deprecate support for UTF16 encoding in URIs + Update to spifly 1.3.3 + Update to asm 9.1- Package modules: ant, cdi, deploy, fcgi, http-spi, quickstart, rewrite, start, unixsocket- Update to version 9.4.42.v20210604 * Fix: bsc#1187117, CVE-2021-28169- Update to version 9.4.40.v20210413 * Fix: bsc#1184367, CVE-2021-28165 - jetty server high CPU when client send data length > 17408 * Fix: bsc#1184368, CVE-2021-28164 - Normalize ambiguous URIs * Fix: bsc#1184366, CVE-2021-28163 - Exclude webapps directory from deployment scan- Upgrade to upstream version 9.4.38.v20210224 * Fixes bsc#1182898, CVE-2020-27223- Upgrade to upstream version 9.4.35.v20201120 * Fixes bsc#1179727, CVE-2020-27218- Upgrade to upstream version 9.4.30.v20200611- Upgrade to upstream version 9.4.27.v20200227- Removed patch: * jetty-annotations-asm6.patch + not needed when building against ASM7- Upgrade to upstream version 2.9.22.v20191022 * new jetty-openid amd jetty-util-ajax sub-packages - Modified patch: * jetty-annotations-asm6.patch + adapt to changed context + build against asm6 instead of asm7 that we don't have - Fix some rpmlint warnings and errors- Initial packaging of a minimal version of jetty 9.4.19.v20190610 * This version is light on dependenciesh01-ch3b 1729067747���9.4.56-150200. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.suse.de/SUSE:Maintenance:36077/SUSE_SLE-15-SP2_Update/0ac9f78180b0a8127a278ae08aa38644-jetty-minimal.SUSE_SLE-15-SP2_Updatedrpmxz5noarch-suse-linuxdirectoryASCII text, with CRLF line terminators (Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract)XML 1.0 document, ASCII textexported SGML document, ASCII textPPPRR�rY�ҁ���N�~+e�|utf-892e49495368792bb3564044fd0f407d75238e26092e9933c60817cba6b180082?��� �7zXZ �� �!t/��� }]"�k�%�'�lJE�WW��vӞx�=-1^�@ ��\� p���L�Ni!�� ���{����8Cyq�$Sת4<�j剡���}ӛ1h��_k]��'��ec����CW�� x��H��9<���> �x���y�y4���E�e e��k�e�~���'�%���N��#����m�꧜�t��[]� �/�\-/|]*�]�骠?nRϖ�K�~�G�]�4I8�B�����!5��`�:"�-�V ��⏬eAPe YuB<�O��_򣇖 ���Q3L�y${��Ȁ�zXe%o�m��'�i�V�NxUД'���I6{�z�v��VG���+Pq��͹�x��S+�ݰrEj 4��f���u������U��zN����';"��绕�g%�����1�4��+p�5���� ���E/sF�U�JQ 5{]�or�($���Jn�f�E���R&�B��[��­��� x-�`^ n��"C�����"m���50tq��� �*��87V�������ය{VPM�Տ��Fk�Ee��,P�ۀ���OG���ͺ�F����I�Ko32��j��� �ޅ^>�!u�p�i �?(W=n�5������n�`y�ks�� �U%7Bl&I��dž��� �ajV�j� �C�a����j=8��B&�;��Z@�Ͻޅ����#��fn� -��fP�Nڕ��q����d��c�����e�PF�f�4M(����� ���(ɽ�PS�0 ��NB� �m��krl���ىN�A��X��ח_�t�w7��QL�Su"n���P|,_|f$=_�ee�lzշ*~��\��ܐI��E��]%߰gư,ޫ��2êU���$]� ����'��:9�C�C��������ի�i*C�Zt ��`���/����Z>+D5�?��RXLjd��/���u�z���]�|�渾�}Ö� K �%GA 1ָA�� �*����M����o�[i�r�u�V!ª��w�?�ƒ��Տɼ��n�p�=q�}摴ž��H�>���S�d�)�~ }␦�f_+7���oƻ�,�e#�Cz���䙧���_�+m�ٌ�"�G�ud��s$g[�+*�h���K��jjy�S +�4�*%)��}�S*�����rFT/��ŗm�.�-�]��~.��.�b _/R�j�G�CȊ�4�v��_��MT ��Ҁ��Nw�i�#���>�&�y�԰�FܘOɠ�X`�2,�~�Tgy�$H�%HJ�~r�m���O��ef,�h=�e�@���_�@G�R��$�y�.�j�����8����'�k�G�6z(�����5�X}v��ӫ��i&�.�����QI�Gl�߈���.::7]J"��zݐ�pj_ʙ�mg^p�np�Qv��H� U�� �4c���.H�e�\ `a=��rr�q����b���I�H�Mrw�&{u���Y0���cJ��<��w��є.u���E���'2��KU���L�����e�E��ݽչ������kY���z»���b�r*D }+�j�}m��62�2|p~\�Ez���g�>�:��B[��8[]c?-~��,q�:� ��g��{��n� �|b���Ni&c]�έarF;��qL 2A�β���"��d�H�<��Ċ���d����2j� ��,ԡ�&%�x�!��6F^g=ɥ���V6��j)~���ܹڣ>�*G�D�����qZ]��Ժ�k^퍛�|�ɘzZ��5�bxz���Avcm��AJO�o�M�K #Ы�E 7��j�TŒjާ�� ��?����#)�/SA��Ƥb����R $9�~G� �o�BG�w��R$)h��M��%&i�N�i�� �lN-X�(^� y���.OT�"qj�3�|Wdc$c;d�wFqvӜԇ����K~_����xV� 5���:#�q����R�"{��������X v��3)e����JB(�#_s�N0� P[GF���}xjt�P!�S[K�)� r� |��q�(fZ��L ���~�� ���a[��]���B�@����R�\�D���*�W)%���]v�^���mq����Y4� �2��U�Ê�*l��""��rJ�|)���IF- M�c�d���iV]NNx-I�Û�rSmY�E� $.�v~�~Df^n3�T1D��?�� 0��A�v"|i6���#�N�'��Ki�޸] �F6O(��>�� ozY�Druh�?���qm�2�*k�!^��`�:*\�(�G���4G�c�V��!=�#�l�վU��~�Õ�C 4y�H�`H����?L�Jg� �� �ҥ�1F�Xq:"���E��*8W�,k�Ń��K�)����0�/���e�i=t�`��ej+����kЯ槛�D�{Q>[<��u�� �*��7�ޏ!ݢ�����Q��޸�y�%PnF�^A�pbI��]�Ҷ�WD��:�}e<��髳$2}�KU�̃ʦ>�Y$���gu0��0�GF�<��[f��D���!+�<�Ņ_�92z�*�a�^*z���Z�0�[����)ۣB6��6�L&>j�/�x O��2�����{XA#(�������q\w�&�s��$⥮�Bl�c���"��j<����E���3 ��6�ږ��N� �����n�i��w�G��U~��D��z��Z=M?�_á��8�7cמ{(D]np�֨�FТ!>DX)�<|t���ק� �X) �)m��� [>w1��$���e�'x�z�p�m��G<h{��%���`P�/հ�����Ꮢ��x�[�=jw���MN��U��6s��Ծjit�d��G�0���1Br�kq]ZU��;(,�Dkd���l�T���Ӈ�U$�������g�'X�0hȇ��n��,OE�"% &��a'quy��`�}������m�9cvAKW6�]#��w���z�i�@��Y�M7�C�t��Řg�:��Ss<���eР�; �_��x�ධ��L��fp89��� R�.w���gɢ���t����c��6;��O� ��@�I� �JH(b�ޜ�"m��<��aN�����g�^HV۽���"&�.sT���+(��;h�s�a@�|���n �t��6���&�i�'b �"� �6ˮ/Thd�{v}-8�����!�����Mb|�b_i�*�z�^� �Æ�[�PZtUR2U�G��AѢ�/K��y��P�㮦�FםY����͓?/�~T�� �6 �CΑ�!�� ���,�j�`���İQ bƧM���f ���9����� YZ