����python311-pycairo-devel-1.23.0-150400.3.5.1���<>,���8x�f�!p���9�|�>��O�����(� �C#t�f�b����<٤���Myi��R���MQ_��8p�*ɪ�.��~�Ym��}������ڵ�"��"�x- #*��2�V#W�7���n�ť��c��x��n���`mlj x��+ȗ���z��, =�o��P��fUM:��D�+}9�"V;�0b����d��u������\���72�,f�ߦ&<1��i����� ����M�MdY�b�#\ zѦ������b`�+P���/og{� -���'Bn‰��h>�������>0(?0d���!� .� ^� �� �$�=�^�{� �������� �      <  �  � � � < `��M(q8x9�:gB+�F+�G+� H+� I, X,Y,$Z,T[,X\,` ],� ^,�b.c.�d/2e/7f/:l/<u/P v/tz/��/��/��/��0Cpython311-pycairo-devel1.23.0150400.3.5.1Development files for the Cairo Python bindingsPycairo is a Python module providing bindings for the cairo graphics library. This package provides the development files needed to build packages that depend on Pycairo.f�!ibs-power9-17��SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-or-later OR MPL-1.1https://www.suse.com/Unspecifiedhttps://github.com/pygobject/pycairolinuxppc64le"J��g�d�A큤A�A큤A큤����f�`�|f�f�f�f� ]�O�]a�]a�23f1242683f664a5e16271eea48881cf445d4780b2e93a84f18d145dc75571e18feb7cd9c74fd1f0975d5235f07de778ffe608cb98028159a266feb57d69f079360b9a526d47c51a7cab7f1ec49ca5893050562d639b742d588934ff84823a72d80c9d084ebfb50ea1ed91bfbc2410d6ce542097a32c43b00781b83adcb8c77f53692a2ed6c6a2c6ec9b32dd0b820dfae91e0a1fcdf625ca9ed0bdf8705fcc4f���rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpython-pycairo-1.23.0-150400.3.5.1.src.rpm������������������������������������python311-cairo-develpython311-pycairo-develpython311-pycairo-devel(ppc-64)    python311-develpython311-pycairorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)�@dG��c��@c���c p�bҨ@a @`��@_��@_ǁ�^oj@^oj@]�(�\��@\��@\�E@\^��Y���YM�YFk@X�q�daniel.garcia@suse.commcepl@suse.comyarunachalam@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comcode@bnavigator.defcrozat@suse.comdmueller@suse.comcode@bnavigator.decode@bnavigator.detchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comjayvdb@gmail.comzaitor@opensuse.orgjmatejek@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgtoddrme2178@gmail.com- Do not build python-pycairo-common-devel package, place all devel files under the sitelib/cairo folder.- Switch to single spec version build for PSP- Update to version 1.23.0 * Reminder to distro packagers: Building/installing pycairo using setup.py is deprecated, please use meson instead. * git: changed default branch from “master” to “main” * Windows: Update the cairo version included in the wheels from 1.17.2 to 1.17.6 #pr-243 * docs: Document how to look up pycairo headers without loading the module #pr-300 * tests: don’t error out if cairo wasn’t built with all features #pr-293 New APIs: * Status.DWRITE_ERROR #pr-294 * Format.RGB96F, Format.RGBA128F #pr-295 * PDFVersion.VERSION_1_6, PDFVersion.VERSION_1_7 #pr-296 * HAS_DWRITE_FONT #pr-297 * Context.set_hairline(), Context.get_hairline() #pr-298 * PDFSurface.set_custom_metadata() #pr-299- Updtae to version 1.22.0: * Officially support Python 3.11. * PDFSurface.version_to_string(): Fix crash with negative versions. * typing: ImageSurface.get_stride() returns an int. * typing: Fix incorrect interface for Matrix constructor. * typing: Use Generic for Context. * docs: some cairo.Context fixes. * docs: try to make create_from_png/write_to_png more clear. * docs: add an example for how to convert a surface to pillow. * docs: cairo.Format.RGB24: document that unused bytes may be overwritten. * tests: don’t depend on specific ref counts. * tests: compatibility fixes for cairo 1.17.6. - Drop f5a795ea.patch: fixed upstream.- Update to version 1.21.0: * Require Python 3.7+ * Require meson 0.53+ * Using setup.py directly to build/install pycairo is deprecated. Use meson instead. * setup.py now requires setuptools. Previously it was optional. * The complete API reference is now included in the typing stubs, so it can be consumed/shown by IDEs. - Add f5a795ea.patch: Some test improvements for cairo 1.17.6- Work around vendored distutils in setuptools >= 60 incorrectly installing pkgconfig files into the wrong libdir - Deduplicate files in python_sitearch- Add Obsoletes/Provides for python3-cairo-devel.- update to 1.20.1 * setup.py: Respect the PKG_CONFIG environment variable * Make import_cairo inline in addition to static * docs: Fix example in Pattern.set_filter() docs _pr_`221` * docs: Fix build with newer sphinx * docs: Fix NumPy width, height-conventions in examples * docs: Last parameter of rel_curve_to should be dy3, not dy4 * mypy: Fixes for mypy 0.800+ * mypy: Don't run mypy via pytest- Update to 1.20.0 * Require Python 3.6+ #pr-201 * Require cairo 1.15.10+ #pr-204 * docs: support Sphinx 3.0 #pr-207 * meson: add ‘tests’ option to skip tests #pr-188 * Windows: build wheels #pr-197 * Add support for Python 3.9 and 3.10 #pr-198 #pr-202 * examples: add a Jupyter Notebook example #pr-181 * Raise an error early when being passed a file object not opened in binary mode #pr-205 * Add a pyproject.toml file #pr-206 - move header file in sitearch to devel package (rpmlint error) header is packaged twice: gh#pygobject/pycairo#98- Move the pkgconfig file to the common package gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66- Add missing dep on setuptools- Update to 1.19.1: * support for new python * remove support for python 2.x - Remove patch python38.patch- Add patch to fix build on python 3.8: * python38.patch- Fixed conflicts with old python-cario-common-devel- Fix typos- Update to version 1.18.1 * meson: install .egg-info to platlib * meson: fix configure error with meson 0.50 re absolute paths * PyPy: don’t use PyOS_FSPath() with PyPy3.6 - Rename to python-pycario to conform to python package naming guidelines - Expand summaries and descriptions.- Update to version 1.18.0: + typing: Add missing annotations for __enter__/__exit__ + New API: - CAIRO_VERSION, CAIRO_VERSION_STRING, CAIRO_VERSION_MAJOR, CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR, CAIRO_VERSION_MICRO - Status.TAG_ERROR, Status.FREETYPE_ERROR, Status.PNG_ERROR, Status.WIN32_GDI_ERROR - SVGUnit, PDFMetadata, PDFOutlineFlags - FontOptions.set_variations(), FontOptions.get_variations() - Context.tag_begin(), Context.tag_end(), TAG_DEST, TAG_LINK - PDFSurface.set_page_label(), PDFSurface.set_metadata(), PDFSurface.set_thumbnail_size(), PDFSurface.add_outline(), PDF_OUTLINE_ROOT - SVGSurface.set_document_unit(), SVGSurface.get_document_unit() - MIME_TYPE_CCITT_FAX, MIME_TYPE_CCITT_FAX_PARAMS, MIME_TYPE_EPS, MIME_TYPE_EPS_PARAMS, MIME_TYPE_JBIG2, MIME_TYPE_JBIG2_GLOBAL, MIME_TYPE_JBIG2_GLOBAL_ID + docs: Remove a broken link + Various meson build fixes + setup.py: Support specifying custom --pkgconfigdir + Dropped Python 3.3 support - Changes from version 1.17.1: + Meson build support - Changes from version 1.17.0: + cairo.Surface and cairo.Device can now be used as context managers + Fix a leak when a cairo error was raised + Fix a leak when a mapped surface was GCed instead of unmapped + Make it possible to use the C API with Python 3 outside of the compilation unit doing the import by defining PYCAIRO_NO_IMPORT + Implement PEP 561 - Changes from version 1.16.3: + Ship Python type annotation stubs. - Changes from version 1.16.2: + setup.py: Some fixes for Debian pybuild quirks - Changes from version 1.16.1: + setup.py: correctly install pkgconfig into /usr/lib* again - Changes from version 1.16.0: + Add a get_include() function which returns the compiler include path needed for interfacing with the Pycairo C API - Changes from version 1.15.6: + Experimental PyPy and PyPy3 support - Changes from version 1.15.5: + Support Unicode paths under Windows with cairo 1.15.10+ + Don’t include the pkg-config file when building a wheel - Changes from version 1.15.4: + Fix some enum conversation errors with (unused) large and negative values + tests: Fix a rare test error - Changes from version 1.15.3: + setup.py: Install pkgconfig file into /usr/share/pkgconfig to work around JHBuild on Fedora not picking it up. + tests: Fix tests on big endian machines. + Support building with MSVC - Changes from version 1.15.2: + setup.py: Install pkgconfig file to the same library prefix that Python uses (replaces logic in spec file) - Activate test suite. - Use license macro. - Requires cairo >= 1.13.1.- Update to version 1.15.1: + Fixes: - Improved support for Python filesystem paths including os.PathLike. See pathlike for details. - Various minor fixes. + Changes: Expose cairo.Path. + Tests: Improved test coverage from ~70% to ~90%. - Changes from version 1.15.0: + New Features: - Add Surface.map_to_image() and Surface.unmap_image(). - Add RasterSourcePattern. - Add Glyph. - Add Rectangle. - Add TextCluster. - Add ScaledFont.text_to_glyphs() and ScaledFont.glyph_extents(). - Add Context.show_text_glyphs(). - Add TextExtents. + Changes: - Pycairo instances wrapping the same underlying cairo object now hash and compare equally e.g. context.get_target() == context.get_target(). - Functions which returned a cairo error with Status.NO_MEMORY no longer raise MemoryError, but a subclass of Error and MemoryError. Similarly errors with Status.READ_ERROR and Status.WRITE_ERROR no longer raise IOError, but a subclass of Error and IOError. - Some functions which previously returned a tuple now return a tuple subclass like Rectangle, Glyph, TextCluster and TextExtents. - Changes from version 1.14.1: + Fixes: Fix a crash with Surface.get_device(). - Changes from version 1.14.0: + General: Requires at least cairo 1.13.1. + Tests: Optional Hypothesis tests. + New Features: - Add Surface.set_device_scale() and Surface.get_device_scale(). - Add Device. - Add Surface.get_device(). - Add ScriptDevice and ScriptMode. - Add ScriptSurface. - Add Status.JBIG2_GLOBAL_MISSING. - Add Format.stride_for_width(). - Add TextClusterFlags and SurfaceObserverMode. - Add Gradient.get_color_stops_rgba(). - Add TeeSurface. - Add MeshPattern. - Changes from version 1.13.4: + Fixes: Fix a rare crash with get_data() under Python 3 (1.13.3 regression).- fix requires for devel subpackage- Update to version 1.13.3: + Fix ImageSurface leaking in case :meth:`get_data() ` is used under Python 3 (gh#pygobject/pycairo#43). - Changes from version 1.13.2: + Fix pip failing to install pycairo in some cases (gh#pygobject/pycairo#39). - Changes from version 1.13.1: + setup.py install: Fix generated pkg-config file if ``--home`` or ``--user`` is specified (gh#pygobject/pycairo#34). + Fix a build error on macOS Sierra (gh#pygobject/pycairo#36) + examples: Fix snippet examples when .pyc files are present (gh#pygobject/pycairo#35). - For more changes since the last package update, see NEWS inside. - Implement python single-spec packaging: since pycairo 1.11.0, the sources for python2 and python3 based bindings have been merged again.- Add python2-cairo and python2-cairo-devel provides for compatibility with the new multipython spec file macros.python311-cairo-develibs-power9-17 1720779553 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.suse.de/SUSE:Maintenance:33031/SUSE_SLE-15-SP4_Update/5616fb8f511c78aa365762cb1cb3d1c8-python-pycairo.SUSE_SLE-15-SP4_Updatedrpmxz5ppc64le-suse-linuxdirectoryC source, UTF-8 Unicode textpkgconfig fileASCII text���.1� ���0j��kutf-892244fb8d57b248d3d91cfc3f58086470cd81e53dafaef76d702fe920faead18?��� �7zXZ �� �!t/���]"�k�%� P�a� ���e�o�Cbcfх�{�?�T���Ê�����=�����Z1�p'F�jG���b����O�^���W�%��4�pd�&P�����H9��9?�zj�k|oQYVol.o���7d5�,J z��W��I�]������j�Mť|��=�_~�挫f���0��@���1�3.��W���iZ!���R�� �a�L:/\(����qY��i��,����V���13��aFA��̂7?�?[kU;�mΙ<�`6u�MUXX=��Z�U��&���WQG�B�t�?9�v:B�;��a��U��R��!|�̌�vJ�oa0_Ku��<��]���!�f��bs��I�c�P�Q+�0�1c,��O г�@����g�!t ~R �Q��A���e)'ꧺ{�UL{2RWX)G@7-�쁪HF ���V,��E�o�N1,W���M�S�ܸ{3<�z!��v2"�h6M5�9�'��W�`�pE�#U���GK��G��za�ZL� \���'^|T���ƈyS���y��T8'�w��P�&�.w3��arw�OJ��(0$�ݬ��� wDO�8�<�M�3����o�z� �E����GqU��:��C��k��f�7�|����Q��9������&�ۯ�!��� �O��XE��;�И9�s-����� �S�ip�U���:�Dlc|ܞ9r]d��%`�AΎ����ڊ��%:� ��� YZ