/*********************************************************************** Copyright 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc, Cupertino, California All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS, OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS SOFTWARE, ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS A RESULT, THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND YOU THE USER ARE ASSUMING THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE. IN NO EVENT WILL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE SOFTWARE. THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ***********************************************************************/ #define kPrefSize 512 #define kMinSize 384 /* The following constants are used to identify menus and their items. The menu IDs have an "m" prefix and the item numbers within each menu have an "i" prefix. */ #define mApple 128 /* Apple menu */ #define iAbout 1 #define mFile 129 /* File menu */ #define iNew 1 #define iClose 4 #define iQuit 12 #define mEdit 130 /* Edit menu */ #define iUndo 1 #define iCut 3 #define iCopy 4 #define iPaste 5 #define iClear 6 #define mFonts 131 /* Fonts menu */ /* 1.01 - kTopLeft - This is for positioning the Disk Initialization dialogs. */ #define kDITop 0x0050 #define kDILeft 0x0070 /* 1.01 - changed constants to begin with 'k' for consistency, except for resource IDs */ /* kTextMargin is the number of pixels we leave blank at the edge of the window. */ #define kTextMargin 2 /* kMaxOpenDocuments is used to determine whether a new document can be opened or created. We keep track of the number of open documents, and disable the menu items that create a new document when the maximum is reached. If the number of documents falls below the maximum, the items are enabled again. */ #define kMaxOpenDocuments 1 /* kMaxDocWidth is an arbitrary number used to specify the width of the TERec's destination rectangle so that word wrap and horizontal scrolling can be demonstrated. */ #define kMaxDocWidth 576 /* kMinDocDim is used to limit the minimum dimension of a window when GrowWindow is called. */ #define kMinDocDim 64 /* kControlInvisible is used to 'turn off' controls (i.e., cause the control not to be redrawn as a result of some Control Manager call such as SetCtlValue) by being put into the contrlVis field of the record. kControlVisible is used the same way to 'turn on' the control. */ #define kControlInvisible 0 #define kControlVisible 0xFF /* kScrollbarAdjust and kScrollbarWidth are used in calculating values for control positioning and sizing. */ #define kScrollbarWidth 16 #define kScrollbarAdjust (kScrollbarWidth - 1) /* kScrollTweek compensates for off-by-one requirements of the scrollbars to have borders coincide with the growbox. */ #define kScrollTweek 2 /* kCrChar is used to match with a carriage return when calculating the number of lines in the TextEdit record. kDelChar is used to check for delete in keyDowns. */ #define kCrChar 13 #define kDelChar 8 /* kButtonScroll is how many pixels to scroll horizontally when the button part of the horizontal scrollbar is pressed. */ #define kButtonScroll 4 /* kMaxTELength is an arbitrary number used to limit the length of text in the TERec so that various errors won't occur from too many characters in the text. */ #define kMaxTELength 32000 /* kSysEnvironsVersion is passed to SysEnvirons to tell it which version of the SysEnvRec we understand. */ #define kSysEnvironsVersion 1 /* kOSEvent is the event number of the suspend/resume and mouse-moved events sent by MultiFinder. Once we determine that an event is an OSEvent, we look at the high byte of the message sent to determine which kind it is. To differentiate suspend and resume events we check the resumeMask bit. */ #define kOSEvent app4Evt /* event used by MultiFinder */ #define kSuspendResumeMessage 1 /* high byte of suspend/resume event message */ #define kResumeMask 1 /* bit of message field for resume vs. suspend */ #define kMouseMovedMessage 0xFA /* high byte of mouse-moved event message */ #define kNoEvents 0 /* no events mask */ /* 1.01 - kMinHeap - This is the minimum result from the following equation: ORD(GetApplLimit) - ORD(ApplicZone) for the application to run. It will insure that enough memory will be around for reasonable-sized scraps, FKEYs, etc. to exist with the application, and still give the application some 'breathing room'. To derive this number, we ran under a MultiFinder partition that was our requested minimum size, as given in the 'SIZE' resource. */ #define kMinHeap (200 * 1024) /* 1.01 - kMinSpace - This is the minimum result from PurgeSpace, when called at initialization time, for the application to run. This number acts as a double-check to insure that there really is enough memory for the application to run, including what has been taken up already by pre-loaded resources, the scrap, code, and other sundry memory blocks. */ #define kMinSpace (20 * 1024) /* kExtremeNeg and kExtremePos are used to set up wide open rectangles and regions. */ #define kExtremeNeg -32768 #define kExtremePos (32767 - 1) /* required to address an old region bug */ /* kTESlop provides some extra security when pre-flighting edit commands. */ #define kTESlop 1024 /* The following are indicies into STR# resources. */ #define eWrongMachine 1 #define eSmallSize 2 #define eNoMemory 3 #define eNoSpaceCut 4 #define eNoCut 5 #define eNoCopy 6 #define eExceedPaste 7 #define eNoSpacePaste 8 #define eNoWindow 9 #define eExceedChar 10 #define eNoPaste 11 /* Generic Server FatalError */ #define eFatalError 12 #define rMenuBar 128 /* application's menu bar */ #define rAboutAlert 128 /* about alert */ #define rUserAlert 129 /* user error alert */ #define rDocWindow 128 /* application's window */ #define rVScroll 128 /* vertical scrollbar control */ #define rHScroll 129 /* horizontal scrollbar control */ #define kErrStrings 128 /* error string list */