#include #include #include #include "OutlineCalls.h" /* Boolean IsOutline ** ** IsOutline indicates whether or not the current grafport setting ** with the numer and denom loads a Spline Font. FMSwapFont is called ** from inside of this function. ** */ Boolean CIsOutline(Point numer, Point denom) { return IsOutline(numer, denom); } /* SetOutlinePreferred ** ** Sets a mode to choose a matching spline font over an exact bitmap match. ** */ void CSetOutlinePreferred(Boolean outlinePreferred) { SetOutlinePreferred(outlinePreferred); } /* Boolean GetOutlinePreferred ** ** Gets the state of the OutlinePreferred flag. ** */ Boolean CGetOutlinePreferred() { return GetOutlinePreferred(); } /* OSErr OutlineMetrics ** ** Uses count, textPtr, numer and denom with the current grafport to ** load a spline font and return yMax, yMin, advance widths, left side bearings and ** Rects. A nil is passed for metrics not wanted. ** */ OSErr COutlineMetrics( short count, Ptr textPtr, Point numer, Point denom, short *yMax, short *yMin, Fixed *awArray, Fixed *lsbArray, Rect *boundsArray) { return OutlineMetrics(count,textPtr,numer,denom,yMax,yMin,awArray,lsbArray,boundsArray); } /* SetPreserveGlyph ** ** Sets a line height state specifying that all bits of the spline font bitmaps ** should be blitted (e.g., characters above the ascender or chars below the descender). ** Otherwise, squash the character to fit into the ascender and descender. ** Set the flag true if all bits should be blitted outside of the line height. ** Set false if characters that go outside line height should be squashed. ** */ void CSetPreserveGlyph(Boolean preserveGlyphs) { SetPreserveGlyph(preserveGlyphs); } /* GetPreserveGlyph ** ** Gets the mode of the state of preserving glyphs. ** */ Boolean CGetPreserveGlyph() { return GetPreserveGlyph(); } /* FlushFonts ** ** FlushFonts flushed the font managers caches (i.e., width tables, sfnt caches) ** */ OSErr CFlushFonts() { return FlushFonts(); }