#! /bin/sh -v # $XConsortium: Tests,v 1.3 94/06/03 15:58:32 gildea Exp $ xmessage this is standard usage, message on the command line echo this is a message from standard input | xmessage -file - xmessage -file Imakefile -buttons print,me -print # a file so long it requires a scrollbar xmessage -file xmessage.c xmessage -buttons "" no buttons, use delete window from window manager xmessage -buttons default,other -default default Type Return for the default xmessage -buttons many,buttons,determining,the,size,of,the,window short msg xmessage -buttons 14:14,102,3:3,27:27,105 pick a number; echo you picked $? # fun with resources... xmessage -buttons "" -xrm '*message.borderWidth: 0' \ -xrm '*Translations: #override : exit(0)' \ click here to dismiss