/* $XConsortium: PEXprotost.h,v 1.4 94/04/17 20:53:55 rws Exp $ */ /* @(#)PEXprotost.h 3.1 93/04/16 */ /* Copyright (c) 1992 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. Copyright (c) 1990 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Sun Microsystems makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. SUN MICROSYSTEMS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN MICROSYSTEMS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef PEXPROTOSTR_H #define PEXPROTOSTR_H /* Matches revision 5.1C */ #include /* defines things like CARD32 */ /* This is FLOAT as defined and used by the Protocol Encoding */ typedef float PEXFLOAT; typedef CARD32 pexAsfAttribute; typedef CARD8 pexAsfValue; typedef CARD32 pexBitmask; typedef CARD16 pexBitmaskShort; typedef CARD16 pexCoordType; /* rational, nonrational */ typedef CARD16 pexComposition; typedef CARD16 pexCullMode; typedef BYTE pexDynamicType; typedef INT16 pexEnumTypeIndex; typedef XID pexLookupTable; typedef CARD32 pexName; typedef XID pexNameSet; typedef XID pexPC; typedef XID pexFont; typedef PEXFLOAT pexMatrix[4][4]; typedef PEXFLOAT pexMatrix3X3[3][3]; typedef XID pexPhigsWks; typedef XID pexPickMeasure; typedef XID pexRenderer; typedef XID pexSC; typedef XID pexStructure; typedef CARD8 pexSwitch; typedef CARD16 pexTableIndex; typedef CARD16 pexTableType; /* could be smaller if it ever helps */ typedef CARD16 pexTextHAlignment; typedef CARD16 pexTextVAlignment; typedef CARD16 pexTypeOrTableIndex; typedef pexEnumTypeIndex pexColorType; /* ColorType */ /* included in others */ typedef struct { CARD16 length B16; /* list of CARD8 -- don't swap */ } pexString; typedef struct { pexStructure sid B32; PEXFLOAT priority; } pexStructureInfo; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT x; PEXFLOAT y; } pexVector2D; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT x; PEXFLOAT y; PEXFLOAT z; } pexVector3D; /* Coord structures */ typedef struct { PEXFLOAT x; PEXFLOAT y; } pexCoord2D; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT x; PEXFLOAT y; PEXFLOAT z; } pexCoord3D; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT x; PEXFLOAT y; PEXFLOAT z; PEXFLOAT w; } pexCoord4D; /* Color structures */ typedef struct { PEXFLOAT red; PEXFLOAT green; PEXFLOAT blue; } pexRgbFloatColor; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT hue; PEXFLOAT saturation; PEXFLOAT value; } pexHsvColor; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT hue; PEXFLOAT lightness; PEXFLOAT saturation; } pexHlsColor; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT x; PEXFLOAT y; PEXFLOAT z; } pexCieColor; typedef struct { CARD8 red; CARD8 green; CARD8 blue; CARD8 pad; } pexRgb8Color; typedef struct { CARD16 red B16; CARD16 green B16; CARD16 blue B16; CARD16 pad B16; } pexRgb16Color; typedef struct { pexTableIndex index B16; CARD16 pad B16; } pexIndexedColor; typedef struct { union { pexIndexedColor indexed; pexRgb8Color rgb8; pexRgb16Color rgb16; pexRgbFloatColor rgbFloat; pexHsvColor hsvFloat; pexHlsColor hlsFloat; pexCieColor cieFloat; } format; } pexColor; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT first; PEXFLOAT second; PEXFLOAT third; } pexFloatColor; typedef struct { pexColorType colorType B16; /* ColorType enumerated type */ CARD16 unused B16; /* SINGLE COLOR(colorType) */ } pexColorSpecifier; typedef struct { pexEnumTypeIndex approxMethod B16; CARD16 unused B16; PEXFLOAT tolerance; } pexCurveApprox; typedef struct { INT16 x B16; INT16 y B16; PEXFLOAT z; } pexDeviceCoord; typedef struct { INT16 x B16; INT16 y B16; } pexDeviceCoord2D; typedef struct { INT16 xmin B16; INT16 ymin B16; INT16 xmax B16; INT16 ymax B16; } pexDeviceRect; typedef struct { CARD16 elementType B16; CARD16 length B16; } pexElementInfo; typedef struct { CARD16 whence B16; CARD16 unused B16; INT32 offset B32; } pexElementPos; typedef struct { pexElementPos position1; pexElementPos position2; } pexElementRange; typedef struct { pexStructure structure B32; CARD32 offset B32; } pexElementRef; typedef struct { pexCoord2D lowerLeft; pexCoord2D upperRight; pexCoord2D concatpoint; } pexExtentInfo; typedef struct { pexEnumTypeIndex index B16; pexString descriptor; } pexEnumTypeDesc; typedef struct { pexCoord3D point; pexVector3D vector; } pexHalfSpace; typedef struct { pexNameSet incl; pexNameSet excl; } pexNameSetPair; typedef struct { pexCoord2D point; pexVector2D vector; } pexHalfSpace2D; typedef struct { CARD16 composition B16; CARD16 unused B16; pexMatrix matrix; } pexLocalTransform3DData; typedef struct { CARD16 composition B16; CARD16 unused B16; pexMatrix3X3 matrix; } pexLocalTransform2DData; typedef struct { pexCoord3D minval; pexCoord3D maxval; } pexNpcSubvolume; /* an OPT_DATA structure cannot be defined because it has variable content * and size. An union structure could be used to define a template for * the data. However, since unions pad to a fixed amount of space and the * protocol uses variable lengths, this is not appropriate for protocol * data types. The most correct way of defining this data is to define * one data structure for every possible combination of color, normal and * edge data that could be given with a vertex or facet. */ typedef struct { pexStructure sid B32; CARD32 offset B32; CARD32 pickid B32; } pexPickElementRef; /* pexPickPath is the old name of the above strucutre. This is wrong, since the above is a Pick Element Ref a Pick Path is a list of Pick Element Refs so naming this structure pexPickPath was wrong, but it can't just be changed without effecting lots of other code....... */ typedef pexPickElementRef pexPickPath; typedef struct { pexTextVAlignment vertical B16; pexTextHAlignment horizontal B16; } pexTextAlignmentData; typedef struct { pexSwitch visibility; CARD8 unused; CARD16 order B16; pexCoordType type B16; INT16 approxMethod B16; PEXFLOAT tolerance; PEXFLOAT tMin; PEXFLOAT tMax; CARD32 numKnots B32; CARD32 numCoord B32; /* LISTof FLOAT(numKnots) -- length = order + number of coords */ /* LISTof {pexCoord3D|pexCoord4D}(numCoord) */ } pexTrimCurve; typedef struct { CARD8 depth; CARD8 unused; CARD16 type B16; CARD32 visualID B32; } pexRendererTarget; typedef struct { pexEnumTypeIndex pickType B16; CARD16 unused; /* SINGLE HITBOX() */ } pexPickRecord; typedef struct { PEXFLOAT ambient; PEXFLOAT diffuse; PEXFLOAT specular; PEXFLOAT specularConc; PEXFLOAT transmission; /* 0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent */ pexColorSpecifier specularColor; /* SINGLE COLOR() */ } pexReflectionAttr; typedef struct { pexEnumTypeIndex approxMethod B16; CARD16 unused B16; PEXFLOAT uTolerance; PEXFLOAT vTolerance; } pexSurfaceApprox; typedef struct { pexCoord3D point; /* SINGLE OPT_DATA() */ } pexVertex; typedef struct { pexDeviceCoord minval; pexDeviceCoord maxval; pexSwitch useDrawable; BYTE pad[3]; } pexViewport; typedef struct { CARD16 clipFlags B16; CARD16 unused B16; pexNpcSubvolume clipLimits; pexMatrix orientation; pexMatrix mapping; } pexViewEntry; typedef struct { pexTableIndex index B16; CARD16 unused B16; pexViewEntry view; } pexViewRep; /* * typedefs for lookup tables */ typedef struct { CARD16 definableEntries B16; CARD16 numPredefined B16; CARD16 predefinedMin B16; CARD16 predefinedMax B16; } pexTableInfo; typedef struct { pexEnumTypeIndex lineType B16; pexEnumTypeIndex polylineInterp B16; pexCurveApprox curveApprox; PEXFLOAT lineWidth; pexColorSpecifier lineColor; /* SINGLE COLOR() */ } pexLineBundleEntry; typedef struct { pexEnumTypeIndex markerType B16; INT16 unused B16; PEXFLOAT markerScale; pexColorSpecifier markerColor; /* SINGLE COLOR() */ } pexMarkerBundleEntry; typedef struct { CARD16 textFontIndex B16; CARD16 textPrecision B16; PEXFLOAT charExpansion; PEXFLOAT charSpacing; pexColorSpecifier textColor; /* SINGLE COLOR() */ } pexTextBundleEntry; /* Note that since an InteriorBundleEntry contains 4 embedded instances of pexColorSpecifier, a variable-sized item, a data structure cannot be defined for it. */ typedef struct { pexEnumTypeIndex interiorStyle B16; INT16 interiorStyleIndex B16; pexEnumTypeIndex reflectionModel B16; pexEnumTypeIndex surfaceInterp B16; pexEnumTypeIndex bfInteriorStyle B16; INT16 bfInteriorStyleIndex B16; pexEnumTypeIndex bfReflectionModel B16; pexEnumTypeIndex bfSurfaceInterp B16; pexSurfaceApprox surfaceApprox; /* SINGLE pexColorSpecifier surfaceColor */ /* SINGLE pexReflectionAttr reflectionAttr */ /* SINGLE pexColorSpecifier bfSurfaceColor */ /* SINGLE pexReflectionAttr bfReflectionAttr */ } pexInteriorBundleEntry; typedef struct { pexSwitch edges; CARD8 unused; pexEnumTypeIndex edgeType B16; PEXFLOAT edgeWidth; pexColorSpecifier edgeColor; /* SINGLE COLOR() */ } pexEdgeBundleEntry; typedef struct { pexColorType colorType B16; CARD16 numx B16; CARD16 numy B16; CARD16 unused B16; /* LISTof Color(numx, numy) 2D array of colors */ } pexPatternEntry; /* a pexColorEntry is just a pexColorSpecifier */ typedef struct { CARD32 numFonts B32; /* LISTof pexFont( numFonts ) */ } pexTextFontEntry; /* a pexViewEntry is defined above */ typedef struct { pexEnumTypeIndex lightType B16; INT16 unused B16; pexVector3D direction; pexCoord3D point; PEXFLOAT concentration; PEXFLOAT spreadAngle; PEXFLOAT attenuation1; PEXFLOAT attenuation2; pexColorSpecifier lightColor; /* SINGLE COLOR() */ } pexLightEntry; typedef struct { pexSwitch mode; CARD8 unused; CARD16 unused2 B16; PEXFLOAT frontPlane; PEXFLOAT backPlane; PEXFLOAT frontScaling; PEXFLOAT backScaling; pexColorSpecifier depthCueColor; /* SINGLE COLOR() */ } pexDepthCueEntry; typedef struct { INT16 approxType; INT16 approxModel; CARD16 max1 B16; CARD16 max2 B16; CARD16 max3 B16; CARD8 dither; CARD8 unused; CARD32 mult1 B32; CARD32 mult2 B32; CARD32 mult3 B32; PEXFLOAT weight1; PEXFLOAT weight2; PEXFLOAT weight3; CARD32 basePixel B32; } pexColorApproxEntry; /* Font structures */ typedef struct { Atom name B32; CARD32 value B32; } pexFontProp; typedef struct { CARD32 firstGlyph B32; CARD32 lastGlyph B32; CARD32 defaultGlyph B32; pexSwitch allExist; pexSwitch strokeFont; CARD16 unused B16; CARD32 numProps B32; /* LISTof pexFontProp(numProps) */ } pexFontInfo; /* Text Structures */ typedef struct { INT16 characterSet B16; CARD8 characterSetWidth; CARD8 encodingState; CARD16 unused B16; CARD16 numChars; /* LISTof CHARACTER( numChars ) */ /* pad */ } pexMonoEncoding; /* CHARACTER is either a CARD8, a CARD16, or a CARD32 */ /* Parametric Surface Characteristics types */ /* type 1 None */ /* type 2 Implementation Dependent */ typedef struct { CARD16 placementType B16; CARD16 unused B16; CARD16 numUcurves B16; CARD16 numVcurves B16; } pexPSC_IsoparametricCurves; /* type 3 */ typedef struct { pexCoord3D origin; pexVector3D direction; CARD16 numberIntersections B16; CARD16 pad B16; /* LISTof pexCoord3D( numIntersections ) */ } pexPSC_LevelCurves; /* type 4: MC type 5: WC */ /* Pick Device data records */ typedef struct { pexDeviceCoord2D position; PEXFLOAT distance; } pexPD_DC_HitBox; /* pick device 1 */ typedef pexNpcSubvolume pexPD_NPC_HitVolume; /* pick device 2 */ /* Output Command errors */ typedef struct { CARD8 type; /* 0 */ CARD8 errorCode; /* 14 */ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 resourceId B32; /* renderer or structure */ CARD16 minorCode B16; CARD8 majorCode; CARD8 unused; CARD16 opcode B16; /* opcode of failed output command */ CARD16 numCommands B16; /* number successfully done before error */ BYTE pad[16]; } pexOutputCommandError; /* Registered PEX Escapes */ typedef struct { INT16 fpFormat B16; CARD8 unused[2]; CARD32 rdr B32; /* renderer ID */ /* SINGLE ColorSpecifier() */ } pexEscapeSetEchoColorData; #endif /* PEXPROTOSTR_H */